I have shared my trip about Bicol already in one of my posts. I lifted some texts from that post which are appropriate for today's Photo Hunt theme,
ruin(ed). In this case, it's
ruins. I'm sharing Cagsawa Ruins.
The structure that you see with two windows was the Cagsawa Church. Based on history books, when the volcano erupted in 1814, more than a thousand people run towards the church to escape the lava flow. Unfortunately, the fiery flow buried and engulfed the church. Only the bell tower remained which is shown in the picture below (the structure with two windows). To this day, it stands as one of the main tourist attractions of the Bicol region.
Had there been a clear sky when I took this picture, the perfect cone that is Mayon Volcano can be seen. Unfortunately the clouds covered it.

A closer look at Cagsawa Ruins.


Please visit other photo hunters
here. I have another take on 'ruin(ed)' at my other blog,
The Mommy Zone. Hope you'll stop by there too. Thanks. :)