Today's Heads for HoT is direction (or direct(s), could be directing). I immediately thought of the aluminum plate at Bubba Gump restaurant. Every table has it which is actually serves as a direction for the crew.

Isn't that a different way of checking on the customers' needs? Nice one.
Check out other HoT participants here. Have a great day! :)
That is SO cool!!!! Thanks for sharing AND for playing. :)
hey thats a great idea...
What a great concept I love it!!
Why that posted Anonymous I have no idea lol I must have hit something.
Clever - I've never seen anything like this! Good post!
Ingenious interpretation.
That is such a good idea! I've never heard of this before. Thanks for showing the picture.
How cool! Every restaurant need one of those!
That's cool! Brilliant idea. :)
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Have a happy HoT week dear HoTtie. :)
I love the "Run,..." and "Stop,..." signs. A Mexican restaurant my family used to go to had a similar system, only they had red and green flags on a miniature flagpole on the table. Red = no needs. Green = we need service.
Thanks for visiting me earlier!
The first time I saw it, I was really amused by their cool signs.
I LOVE it!!! I wanna go there!
hi, Lynn!
Where is this??? Cool idea! and thanks for visiting my blog.
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