This week's mutterings as follows.

1. Loneliness :: Gloom and doom
2. Traffic :: EDSA (It's a major thoroughfare in Manila which is heavily congested 80 to 90 percent of the day.)
3. Chaos :: Disorder
4. Burp :: Baby (Babies burp all the time. :D )
5. 500 :: 300 (the movie)
6. Movie :: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (That's the latest movie I've watched with hubby and daughter.)
7. Coma :: Prolonged Sleep
8. Bark :: Toochie (That's my aunt's dog who keeps on barking for no reason at all.)
9. Stare :: Ogle
10. Angelina :: Wanted (That's her latest movie, right?)
nice mutterings :)
have a great week ahead!
I enjoyed your mutterings today … am wondering why I didn’t think ‘babies’ for burp myself. Mine are posted at Small Reflections and I hope you’ll find time to drop by.
Hugs and blessings,
I just had someone comment on my blog today that the language is atrocious in the new movie, "Wanted".
Great mutterings. Love the association of baby burps.
Mine's posted. Come by.
Great mutterings! Looks like we thought of the same answer for 9 & 10.
Ooh can I answer? :D
1. Loneliness :: Sadness
2. Traffic :: Cars
3. Chaos :: Gem (it's a Dragonlance thing)
4. Burp :: Full
5. 500 :: Pesos
6. Movie :: Film
7. Coma :: Bad
8. Bark :: Bite
9. Stare :: Marjorie Fair (a band with a song called "stare")
10. Angelina :: Jolie
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