Aug 15, 2009

Artificial Tree

I thought I wouldn't have any entry for today's Photo Hunt theme, "artificial". I was browsing on my picture folders checking what I can post and voila, I saw this artificial but colorful trees.

This was taken at Eugenio Lopez Convention Center during our strategic planning. It's a wonderful sight as guests are welcomed at the lobby of the building. The colors are very calming. I love it.

Take note of the quote from the former president of the Lopez group of companies.

"The company that is prosperous and rich, while labor lives in misery, has neither the right to exist nor the right to claim public support."

This also applies to the leaders of this country (or any country for that matter). The seats just might be empty then.

Oh well, happy weekend everyone!


upto6only said...

wow that is a very beautiful piece of art.

Happy Weekend

YTSL said...

Those trees are interesting in that they don't seem to try to fake being like real trees -- but, instead, show that if trees could be made of other materials besides wood and such, they would qualify! :D

Meikah said...

Beautiful artificial trees, and I love the passage. It's true! :)

LifeRamblings said...

This would look lovely in any home or office. happy weekend.

ipanema said...

love the colours! is that made of tin?

thanks for the visit! :)

A. said...

At first glance I thought they were table ornaments! they must look really impressive when seen in real life.

Annie said...

Wow, I love those trees! I'd love to see them in person. Great photos too.

Thanks for visiting mine and have a nice weekend.

CherryPie said...

That is really pretty, thank you for sharing :-)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Good quote, very true. And beautiful "tree"!

Mine's up, too! I hope you get some time to visit.

Mrs. Mecomber
New York Traveler Photo Hunt

jam said...

Very nice looking artificial tree indeed!

Anonymous said...

GREAT quote!

LOve the artificial tree. *smile*

julie said...

Nice entry Lynn, I have artificial tree in my entry too :)

julie said...

Nice entry Lynn, I have artificial tree in my entry too :)

Irene said...

Beautiful tree. Thanks for coming.

Liz Hinds said...

It is calming and what a wonderful quote.