I was tagged by Napaboaniya. Note the title of this post. :) Anyway, here are the rules.
Link to the person that tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Let your tagger know when you entry is up.
Six unimportant, irrelevant, useless things about me: :D
1. I like Wentworth Miller a lot. While waiting for Prison Break 3, I watch reruns of PB 1 and 2 and sometimes even watch them from my DVD copies just to take a peek of Wentworth.
2. I have learned the art of not scratching or breaking my newly painted fingernails when I type or text.
3. I keep a lot of planners - digital, corporate and fancy ones.
4. I re-read a few pages of my favorite quotes from my some of my books.
5. And I bring whatever book I fancy for the moment wherever I go.

I would like to tag six recent visitors in this blog and from my Mommy Blog - Janet, willthink4wine, Leslie, Larawannabe, Genny, Jessica.
hi lynn, sure. will do this tag. thanks!
hi lynn, i just did the tag. :)
I will do this later.
i just did it.
who is creepie? :D ang cute naman niyan.
the last time i had my nails painted was when I had to attend a wedding last september. the one before that, hindi ko na matandaan. i rarely have my nails painted, hindi ko kaya ang galing mo :) pag-uwi ko pa lang chipped na.
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