I chanced upon this couple walking along the beach. I was sitting on a bench just having some quiet time when these two beautiful beings caught my attention as they passed by. To be young and in love. They are very nice to look at. Just walking and talking. I could hear their giggles and hearty laughs in between their conversation as they come near where I was sitting. And then it seemed there was nothing else to talk about, they just held hands while walking leisurely along the beach.
Being with our loved one even if there is nothing else to say, happiness is felt even by the strangers we encounter.
Your post makes me realize we can make others happy just by being in love with those around us!\
Happy BYB Sunday.
Happy BYB Sunday :) Right now it is way too cold to be walking anywhere near our beaches, but how lovely it is when we can. Especially with a loved one :)
wow, how romantic. gusto ko rin yan.
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