I would like to share the thirteen websites I frequently visit. These sites vary from food to current events to cartoon blogs. I found a few through random browsing, all the others I sought out since I love watching them on television or love reading them. You might want to check out some and just might find them good and useful for you. :)

1. Taste Spotting
This site has loads of pictures of food and they are linked on the blog or site from where the picture came from. Most are recipes so I have a delightful read whenever I click on the picture I like.
2. Eating Asia
I love the pictures and how the post goes. It's a virtual trip to the places the author goes to.
3. Gaping Void
Often times I love the cartoons.
4. Rotten Tomatoes
For my dose of movie reviews.
5. Business Mirror
For my daily dose of current events.
6. Sinfest
For some silly cartoons and a few laughs.
7. Parenthood
A lot of good articles about parenthood. The title is a give away, isn't it? :)
8. Comedy Central
Jon Stewart is a genius.
9. Fox
For my update on Prison Break, particularly Wentworth Miller.
10. NY Times on Books
When I feel like checking on what books are on review. Not that I follow what the reviewers say.
11. Nickelodeon
To be updated with the current Nick shows my daughter loves watching.
12. Disney
To be updated with the current Disney shows my daughter loves watching.
13. My Blogs
Happy TT! :)
Great list! I'll have to check out some of those when I get a chance. Especially food sites and pictures of food ;) Happy TT!
For expectant parents, here's an interesting resource: allthebabynames.com. It lists a lot of popular and unique baby names plus their meanings and origins.
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