Jan 12, 2008

Bee Skinny

It's quite a challenge to look for a picture of something skinny. Well at least the definition I went for - something very thin. No one's going to pass as skinny in my house. We were at the mall last weekend and last night. My daughter had been trying on skinny jeans at the pre-teens section. So that could be a good subject for my photo hunt entry...skinny jeans. But nothing fits her. We have to rush to her favorite tween store, Orange Juice. But it's closed already. It's a little far from the department store.

Anyway, I saw these toys from McDonald's lying around the sofa. Oh, Barry B. Benson has skinny legs. He'll pass. Presenting the hero from Bee Movie, Barry with very skinny legs, I wonder how he's able to stand up like this.

You may visit other skinny photos here.
Technorati Tag - Photo Hunt


Valarie said...

Ha! Yeah, I definitely would not be able to post a pic of me for skinny. Cute idea for the theme. Have a great weekend.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

The bee is adorable :) Real Skinny legs to carry that cute plumish body! It's not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle

Siani said...

Great idea for this week's theme - he definitely has skinny legs. Have a lovely weekend!

eastcoastlife said...

With that body, he sure does have skinny legs. He could fit the skinny jeans.

Patricia said...

Very cute, Lynn. I posted skinny legs, too. Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

nice choice for skinny :D

Carver said...

He is hilarious looking. My what skinny legs for that body. Too funny. Hope you have a good weekend.

Lori said...

Very creative, love it!!

denz said...

woohooo!!! that's what I'm talking about, that is really a skinny one!!! nice post for this week theme, keep it up...

check mine:
Happy Weekend!!!

Talk..to..Grams said...

This was so cute! The bee has skinny legs for sure!! Thanks for your visit! Have a nice weekend! Grams

Sarge Charlie said...

bee skinny, that is good

ipanema said...

that is so cute!

thanks for the visit. :)

SabineM said...

great play on words! Lovely post and photo! I can't believe I haven't seen the BEE MOVIE! haaa

CHIKAI ♥ said...

i gotta have those toys!!! they're so cute!

nice pick for this week's theme. ;)

check out my skinny entries here:


Anonymous said...

You definitely know how to choose the skinniest legs.

GHD said...

very clever! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

That is a cute one! Great photo and have a good weekend.

bonggamom said...

Great choice for the theme! I've never seen that movie, is it good?

Weird Dan said...

I didn't get to watch that movie yet though!!

Nice take on it
My Skinny

Cheerio said...


Ingrid said...

That's a cute interpretation of the word ! I also found it very hard to find something skinny around me, lol !

jmb said...

OK, those pass for skinny for sure. Have a great weekend.

MaR said...

Great idea for the theme, and great title too: bee skinny :)
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

right skinny bee!

how cute!

Anonymous said...


Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Just had to come here after finding another Lynn at David's! Boy that IS skinny. Lovely choice for a pic though.

shiera (bisdakbabbles) said...

Yeh, he'll pass. ^-^

I'm collecting Mc Donald's toys. I'm not sure if the movie's already shown or if Mc Donald's already had those in Happy meal...

Katya said...

hehehe...a humorous entry for the theme and a great idea! Cute little bee, he is!

Happy weekend!

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

I'm with you...no pics of me under the banner of skinny! It's amazing his legs don't break under the weight...great pic!


Anonymous said...

Great shot you have here... Thanks for dropping by us... Dare to travel anywhere!...c",)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

There you go! :) Thanks for stopping by.

Susan Demeter said...

Great choice for the hunt!!! Have a goodly weekend, and thanks so much for stopping by :)

eph2810 said...

How cute - those are indeed very skinny legs :)

Thank you for sharing - have a great weekend.

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Lynn. Yohan has several of those cute Happy Meal toys. We haven't seen the movie yet but we plan to soon.

Anonymous said...

i love this pic. my kid too bcoz he has a stuffed toy just like this :)

Anonymous said...

It's the bee's knees LOL
I like the background you gave it.
Thanks for swinging by mine.

Anonymous said...

Very smart thinkin'! :)

Great shot. Thanks for stopping by.

marianne said...

lol - very cute take on the theme - you do have to wonder how they carry that chubby body around on those skinny, skinny legs.

thanks for stopping by!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I would instinctively associate bees with round forms, but you are right re their legs. Good shots.

Thanks for visiting.

Liz Hinds said...

He is a skinny bee! Nice photo.

All of my Todays said...

That's defintely a pair of skinny legs there. Great take on the word. Thanks for dropping by to visit me. x

ellen b. said...

I still have to see that movie. Cute one for the theme...

Liz said...

Those bees are so cute. Thanks for dropping by Lynn. Have a great Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Great choice for the skinny theme. Happy Sunday.

Suzy said...

I really like your skinny choice...looks like a cute movie and thanks for visiting my blog!

Anonymous said...

LOL - great choice for the theme!!

Happy Weekend.

LivG said...

Cute picture! I need to see that movie one of these days.

maryt/theteach said...

He sure has skinny legs...I haven't seen the movie yet, lyn, but I'm going to. Thanks for commenting on my PH post.

Cynthia said...

Those are fun! Skinny legs indeed!

Anonymous said...

cute toys :)

Anonymous said...

no such thing as skinny on my part either! lol nice take on the theme. :)

jams o donnell said...

Great thake on this week's theme. Have a great weekend!

Katney said...

That's funny--you are not the only one who has struck on skinny legs. I love how the same thought yields so may different cool images.

PowersTwinB said...

Barry B is adroable, and he does have skinny legs! lol..My hunt is up, please come and visit

Anonymous said...

Skinny legs! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

What a fun photo. Sara from farmingfriends